
If you have run into issues with your HAVEN Central Air Controller or wish to change the equipment being controlled, a hard reset is necessary. 

Please note:
We recommend trying one soft reset to resolve device issues. If this does not resolve your issue, please follow the steps below.  Changing the equipment the Controller is activating will always require a hard reset.


1. Insert a pin into the small hole at the side of the Central Air Controller and push down for 8 seconds.

    i. You'll notice the LED flicker and return to a solid blue state.


Note: if your Controller is already fixed in position, you'll find the reset button above the HAVEN logo.




2. Your HAVEN device should come back online and return to its normal, connected state.




If you are continuing to face issues with your HAVEN device or data, our dedicated Professional Support can be contacted directly via 1-833-442-7776 or



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