
First time installing the Controller?

We recommend watching our Intro to the Controller video:


Please note: If you have both a Central Air Monitor and a Central Air Controller, the Monitor must always be installed first. Monitor installation instructions and video resources are available here



Here's a downloadable PDF version of the instructions to print out. 

Installation Support (phone, text or email): 1-833-442-7776 |



What to expect

Performing the installation requires you to first create a free account in the Pro Portal or HAVEN IAQ mobile App, which is available in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. You will use the same account to log in to both the HAVEN IAQ app and the Pro Portal.


When you sign up, you can use any email you want with a password, or log in using your existing Facebook, Google, Apple, or Linkedin Accounts. Please remember which login method you used during signup to ensure that you can always have access to your personal HAVEN data and settings. 


Once you’re ready to perform an install, you want to make sure that you have the customer’s information on hand, such as their email address, street address, and wifi information. If you’re installing the device for personal use, we recommend you use the same account that you are using to install the device.



Device & Installation Overview

If you'd prefer to watch a video installation guide, just click here, or you can watch the video below.



Any app interfaces throughout instructions may vary from what is currently live! We're constantly updating it to improve your experience.



Requirements for Installation


  • Ducted central air system

    • Furnace, AHU, or a similar forced-air system
  • WiFi access

    • 802.11 b/g/n

    • WPA or Open

  • 24VAC power supply which can be drawn from
    • The G terminal on your forced-air system or,
    • Via a transformer

Parts included in the HAVEN Central Air Controller Kit

  • Central Air Controller
  • Quick start guide
  • Accessory bag containing:
    • Wago lever nuts

    • A reset pin

    • Screws

    • A 3d printed tube and gasket (for future feature use)

Tools needed

  • A drill
  • 1/4" hex-head bit
  • Wire strippers
  • length of either 2, 4, or 6 wire solid conductor cable

    • depending on how many pieces of equipment you are connecting and where the wires are running to.



Controller Placement

Many of the instructions and best practices for installing the Controller mirror the Monitor. 

Ensure the device is within WiFi range

Use a WiFi-enabled device like your phone to make sure the proposed mounting location of the Controller is within range of the home’s WiFi network. Open WiFi settings on your device to make sure it shows up in the list of detectable networks.

Installing the Controller between ducts or obstructed by other metal surfaces will reduce radio frequency performance. We recommend facing the Controller in the general direction of your router with little to no visible obstruction where possible. 


If you are adding the 3D printed tube to your installation, we recommend following the same principles to find the ideal RF location to identify the best mounting position on the air handler itself. The location needs to be on the blower case or door, and needs to provide enough space for you to use a drill and run the cable.


Wiring the Controller to HVAC Equipment

Please note: the Controller is only designed to switch loads under 30 volt with a 2 amp max current draw.


In this guide, we will discuss powering the Controller from the terminal on the central air system. The Controller could alternatively be powered by a 24VAC transformer instead.


If you’re adding an inline transformer or using the R and C terminals on the air handler, first turn off power to the air handler before making any modifications.



Powering the Controller


1. Prep your length of wire from the power source to the Controller, and leave length for a service loop. Since we're also controlling the G terminal of the air handler with this Controller, we will be running 2 pairs of wire - one for power and one for signal.


2. Remove the door and locate your power source, and do not energize the power until both sides of the circuit are connected.

    If you’re using a knockout hole or making a new hole for the wires, make sure you add a grommet or        cable gland to prevent air from escaping from the hole.


3. Strip back 2 inches from the cable jacket and one inch from the wire insulation to prep the connection to the power source.

    Here you can either use the Wago lever Nuts and splice in the Monitor power cable into the 24V                transformer low side, or if you’re planning to use the R and C for power, you can directly connect to          the terminals like you would a thermostat.


4. Insert the exposed wires into the power terminals on the bottom of the device. You can either use a small slotted screwdriver or the reset pin to depress the terminals to make it easier to connect the wires. 

    The power input is reversible, so don’t worry about which wire goes into which hole as long as they are      the color pair assigned to power.


mceclip0.pngFig 1. Central Air Controller with 24VAC power connected



Controlling HVAC Equipment


1. For controlling the blower, you need to add a wire to the G terminal and another wire to the R terminal. Remember which color pairs you’ve used for power and for control.

    The Wago nuts are especially useful if you have more than one device already connected to the                  control-board terminals, such as with the Monitor you’ve already installed     

    If you are only using 1 output on the Controller, please connect your signal wires to terminal 1. You            can add a second control circuit to terminal 2 if you are controlling 2 pieces of equipment with 1                Controller.


Make sure the wires are fully inserted by giving them a quick pull test.



Fig 2. Central Air Controller with 24VAC connected via the power input, and terminal 1 is connected to control HVAC equipment

Controller relationship to HVAC Equipment

Here's an example wiring scheme required to control the HVAC system's blower motor, via the Central Air Controller. 

In the above instance, Channel 1 of the Central Air Controller has been wired to control the AHU blower motor via the system's thermostat. Later on, we will set the controls to action our intended command. 

To control the blower in this manner, you'll need to run a wire to the G terminal and another wire to the R terminal.

The supplied Wago nuts are especially useful if you have more than one device already connected to the control board terminals, just like the Central Air Monitor you have already installed.

It's time to power up the central air system so we can configure the Controller and begin controlling the air we breath. 



Completing the Installation

Configuring your Customer and Central Air Monitor Details


In the HAVEN IAQ App, follow the prompts to complete the install, including entering in the customer’s information if you haven’t already done so.  


During setup, you’ll be asked to select a Monitor to associate with your Controller. As long as you are using the same account and address for this install as you used with the Monitor install, this Monitor should show up in your list.

  • Choose your installation type and find or add your customer & dwelling information.
    • If they have an existing account, just enter their email address and our system will find them
    • If they don't have an account you can add their information manually.
  • Select the appropriate device (Central Air Controller) and deployment type from the lists and continue by selecting next.
 Screenshot_20210428-123217_HAVEN_IAQ_Staging.jpg  Screenshot_20210428-130525_HAVEN_IAQ_Staging.jpg  Screenshot_20210428-130635_HAVEN_IAQ_Staging.jpg

During setup, you’ll be asked to select a Monitor to associate with your Controller. As long as you are using the same account and address for this install as you used with the Monitor install, this Monitor should show up in your list. 

  • If this Controller is for personal use, then select Personal Use Program in the Deployment type. 
    • The other three Selections - sale to homeowner, Short term investigation, and service contract - are used when you are installing the Monitor in a customer’s home.

Configuring the Controller Terminals
  • The Monitor was preconfigured with a Zone and an air handler during installation, which is what will be shown in the Equipment step. 
  • If you’re connecting the Controller to the G terminal on your air handler as shown in Figure 2, then select the Central Air Handler associated with your Monitor. 
  • If you are connecting the Controller to a different piece of equipment, select the “Set up new equipment” and select the template you want to use. 
  • If you’re connecting to the G terminal of the air handler, it will tell you that a blower schedule will be enabled, which turns on the blower intermittently throughout the day. 
  • With new equipment, It will ask you if this output is controlling a blower motor that supplies airflow to the Monitor. 
    • In most cases, you should to select “No”, which will disable the blower on this output. 

The Controls step will ask you what Monitor measurement should be used to activate the output. What you get shown here depends on the equipment template you used. 


For example - if your central air system has a filter rated MERV 11 or higher, you should select PM2.5 as your measurement for the automation.  You can set the automation threshold to either Fair or Poor, depending on how sensitive the home’s occupants are to IAQ issues.


Screenshot_20210913-093046_HAVEN_IAQ_Staging.jpg Screenshot_20210913-093055_HAVEN_IAQ_Staging.jpg Screenshot_20210913-093108_HAVEN_IAQ_Staging.jpg


  • Setting the automation to trigger on Fair is appropriate for sensitive individuals, but most homes should be fine with the automation threshold set to poor.
  • If you are also connecting a second piece of equipment, please repeat the setup steps for this terminal as well. Otherwise, select skip this terminal.
  • The next step is to connect to the Controller from your phone, so make sure you have Bluetooth turned on on your phone.
  • The App will attempt to connect to your Controller over Bluetooth, and then it will take you through a test sequence of the equipment you’ve connected.
  • If the equipment doesn’t turn on during the 15-second test, please check your wiring and try again.
    • You'll need to visually verify this step so ensure you can see the Controller and its LEDs.
Screenshot_20210913-093150_HAVEN_IAQ_Staging.jpg Screenshot_20210913-093154_HAVEN_IAQ_Staging.jpg Screenshot_20210913-093233_HAVEN_IAQ_Staging.jpg

WiFi & Firmware Updates

  • Next, you will connect the Controller to WiFi. Make sure you’ve typed the network name and password properly, and the Controller should start blinking blue and then green. 
    • You can also select your customer's WiFi SSID from the drop down menu if you have not already entered the details.
    • This step may take 30 seconds to a minute to complete.

Finally, when the device connects to the WiFi network, it may need a firmware update. The app should make you aware of this, and you'll be able to tell on the device because the power LED will be flashing green and aqua rapidly. It may take a couple minutes to resolve, after which it should land in a solid, non-blinking green, with an aqua flash once per minute. This flash signals that the device is successfully connected to the cloud. 



Installation Complete!

  • Make sure you make it to the final screen in the installation workflow and tap the final confirmation button. Otherwise the installation will be incomplete and the device won't be connected properly, resulting in non-functioning automations and another truck roll! 

Advance Automations complete.png



For further support please feel free to contact us directly via 1-833-442-7776 or




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