



  • Humid (like in southern & eastern US)

Equipment needed

  • HAVEN Monitor
  • HAVEN Controller x1
  • Ventilating dehumidifier with 24VAC input (like the Santa Fe Ultra Aire 98H or 120H, or AprilAire e100V)
  • Motorized damper with 24VAC input, in an outdoor air duct

What does it do


  • Monitors indoor tVOC levels to know when you need a burst of fresh air
  • Opens damper & activates ventilating dehumidifier's compressor to dehumidify the humid outdoor air we're bringing in
  • Closes the damper if outdoor AQI (standardized rating based on a combination of particles and chemicals) reaches a certain unhealthy limit


  • Monitors indoor relative humidity and temperature to calculate dew point to see if it needs moisture removal (see bottom of the page for dew point definition!)
  • Toggles on the ventilating dehumidifier's compressor to dehumidify the indoor air & bring it back to the bottom range of the set point's deadband


  • The HAVEN Monitor in this scenario is installed in the indoor return duct of the ventilating dehumidifier. Because this template only uses 1 Controller, we hardwire the dehumidifier's fan (separate from the compressor which does the dehumidification) to ON. This way, the Monitor is getting constant air quality readings to trigger dehumidification or ventilation at the right time, AND, the home is getting constant filtration. The ventilating dehumidifier's we specced above have integrated MERV 13 filters! Amazing right? Filtration without the pressure drop of putting in a 1" MERV 13 into your air handler return. 

How does it all fit together?



Wiring diagram


Ready to put the V back in HVAC?

Once you're on-site ready to install, just load up the HAVEN IAQ app and away you go!


*1 — What's dew point?
It's a calculation that uses indoor relative humidity and temperature to determine when dew will form on surfaces. This can lead to moisture problems! Dew point is a precise parameter to use for humidity control, because the amount of water the air can hold depends on its temperature! Without taking temperature into consideration, we're controlling based on a relative parameter. 



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