Recommended automations depending on the equipment connected to the HAVEN Controllers in a zone are available for any new install as well as when making modifications to old installations! This functionality will be accessible both through the app installation workflow AND soon from the Pro Portal Pre-Install Configuration workflow. These HAVEN-suggested defaults are based on our learnings from the building science community and aim to make controlling equipment the right way more accessible to a broader range of HVAC contractor.
This will be skippable if the technician needs to get out of the home promptly. They can leave and be assured that HAVEN’s default automations follow general best practises and will activate the equipment appropriately. Later, the technician or a service manager who understands what the homeowner is looking to achieve with the automations can review and modify all automations remotely from the Pro Portal.
Example Automations
- Depending on the equipment the Pro has added, there will be automation rules pre-populated into each IAQ pillar: Filtration, Ventilation, Humidity Control.
- In this scenario where we have ventilation equipment and a blower connected, HAVEN creates a primary and secondary backup ventilation rule. The primary one includes the Outdoor damper alongside the Air handler fan, but includes some outdoor cutoff ranges. These will be used to determine when the outdoor air is safe to bring in. The Ventilation backup rule, in this case Air handler fan without the Outdoor damper, will make sure the air is being recirculated inside the home regardless of outdoor conditions.
- Whenever you have a blower wired up, HAVEN will also suggest a regular schedule for that equipment to be activated to circulate air through the home.
- This is where you can add in a ventilation schedule too.
- Heads up! If you add a second schedule that uses the same equipment as the first, this new schedule will overwrite the first to avoid equipment conflicts.
Editing Automations during install
- Each automation rule will have an "Edit" button, as well as an "X" to delete it if you want to start from scratch.
- When you click "Edit", you will be able to:
- Add or remove equipment
- Future: Change the Monitor input (e.g. you might have room monitors you want to create automations for)
- Change the activation range or add a custom activation setpoint
- Add or remove outdoor conditions that influence when the rule will be activated; We recommend using these for ventilation automations.
Editing Schedules during install
- Each Schedule will have an "Edit" button, as well as an "X" to delete it if you want to start from scratch.
- When you click "Edit", you will be able to:
- Add or edit the equipment that is being scheduled
- Change the start and end times for Awake and Sleep routines if the homeowner wants to have these set up differently. If they want only one rule that runs 24/7, you can change the end time to match the start time. This will disable the Sleep routine and rename the Awake routine to 24/7.
How to manage automations post-install
Select the Customer Dwelling you want to manage automations for.
Navigate to the “Automations” tab. You’ll find all configured automations, organized into the Humidity, Ventilation and Filtration pillars, depending on what equipment the Controllers are wired to in this zone.
- In this example, an Outdoor damper is installed alongside an Air handler fan, so we have 3 automation rules:
- One to activate the interlocked Outdoor damper and Air handler fan for ventilation purposes. This rule also contains several outdoor air conditions that need to be true in order to bring in that air.
- If the outdoor AQI (Air Quality Index), outdoor temperature or humidity levels are not within acceptable ranges, HAVEN created a backup rule that would simply recirculate the air without opening the damper.
- The 3rd rule is to filter the air so would trigger the Air handler fan to come on during PM2.5 events.
- In this example, an Outdoor damper is installed alongside an Air handler fan, so we have 3 automation rules:
How can I see what equipment is installed in this zone?
Once you’ve selected a Customer Dwelling, select the zone you want to get more details on, just to the right of the address in the page breadcrumbs.
Then navigate to the “Equipment” tab. You’ll see a list of the HAVEN devices that are installed, as well as the HVAC & IAQ Equipment.
In this example, I have an Air handler fan and Outdoor damper wired up to the Controller. You can see the Brand and Model. If the Brand and Model fields are empty, you’ll soon be able to add these details here.
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