
We’re excited to announce that we’ve released Version 4.7 of our app to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store!

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New Account Onboarding Process

Up until recently, all HAVEN IAQ users would start their journey by creating a consumer account, then a professional user would apply to upgrade their account to HAVEN Pro status. This step required a manual approval process by the HAVEN Pro support team. Moving forward, we have introduced a new onboarding process for all users when they first create an account.  

When a user creates an account, they will be asked if they want to setup an account as a homeowner or a professional. When creating a homeowner account, the app will ask a few questions about the homeowner's location, IAQ concerns and whether they have a compatible central air system. The process for a professional focuses on collecting information about their service company and business offerings.

Once the professional user has created an account with the new onboarding process, the app will provide access to installing HAVEN devices for homeowners.

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New Central Air Monitor Post-Installation Process 

The Central Air Monitor installation process consists of using the app to collect homeowner information, connect to the Monitor over Bluetooth, and finally provision the Monitor to the homeowner's Wi-Fi. We have now introduced an additional feature after the device is connected to Wi-Fi: The post-install self-test. Once connected to Wi-Fi, the app will check-in with the HAVEN cloud to confirm that the device is connected and all sensors are operational. This confirms that the Monitor has been installed properly before the professional leaves the home and reduces the probability of a callback. 

As the self-test takes a few minutes, we are also introducing a new questionnaire for the Pro to fill out while they're waiting. This questionnaire asks a few questions about the IAQ equipment and strategies employed in this new HAVEN-enabled home. This data will be used to help both the homeowner and professional understand what's currently being used to improve IAQ in the home, and will also be used for future recommendations.


Support Links

We've recently moved our support resources from Atlassian Service Management to Zendesk. There are now two separate help centers depending on the user's profile:

And in an effort to better support professionals during the installation process, we've embedded the most recent installation video right into the Pro Install section, as well as linked our Pro support hotline number, which a professional can text or call during their HAVEN device installation.


General Improvements

We also made a change to how data is synced from the cloud to the app during usage, which should result in faster load times and less frequent requests for data updates. The Live data in the Dashboard should still updated once every few minutes, 



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