
Original Release Date: December 18, 2020


We’re excited to announce that we’ve released Version 4.4 of our app to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store!

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This release is mostly focused on improvements to the installation process for the HAVEN Pro. Besides a few small bug fixes, the major changes [date=2020-12-18 timezone=“America/Vancouver”]are as follows.

HAVEN Central Air Monitor Installation Upgrades

  • We’ve added progress popups between each of the above stated phases to help the user understand what they’ve completed, what’s next, and how far they are from being done. We’ve optimized the timing between each step so transitions are not too slow or too fast.
  • To make installation simpler, we’ve reduced the methods of searching for a customer to be through email address only. If a customer has more than one dwelling, the HAVEN Pro can select the appropriate dwelling or create a new one.
  • When inputting customer details, we’ve introduced data validation to most fields and drop-down menus when appropriate.
  • Some HAVEN Pro users encountered errors during the airflow validation step, so we’ve added some bug fixes and UI tweaks to make the process more intuitive.
  • When entering Wi-Fi information, a HAVEN Pro can either enter the home’s Wi-Fi details while prepping for the installation, or the Monitor can auto-detect Wi-Fi SSIDs in the area and allow the user to select from a drop-down menu.



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