
Original Release Date: January 25, 2021


We’re excited to announce that we’ve released Version 4.5 of our app to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store!

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This release is mostly focused on improvements to the installation process for the HAVEN Pro. Besides a few small bug fixes, the major changes are as follows.

Notable Changes

  • Notification frequency reduced: Up until now, we would send notifications to our users whenever the airborne particle or chemical levels crossed from Good into the Fair and Poor thresholds, and then back again from the Poor and Fair thresholds into the Good threshold. For users with many small events throughout the day in the Fair threshold, this would mean many unnecessary notifications. We have found that a user typically only needs to know when their indoor pollutant levels reach into the poor threshold, so for now we’ve disabled notifications from Good > Fair and Fair > Good, leaving only notifications when a home has crossed into the Poor threshold and back into the Good threshold after a Poor event.

  • General usability improvements to Dashboard: we’re changing the way our fonts are handled by the app (sizing, spacing, etc) to improve the user experience. More changes on this in version 4.6.

  • Last reading added to “Live” view when HVAC fan is inactive: Sometimes users would login and be faced with the N/As all over the page and not understand what was supposed to be there. By showing them the last active reading, it helps to start building their knowledge of their air right away and puts their minds at ease about what that last reading looked like.

  • Relative y-axis implemented in “Hour” view: The hourly view in the Dashboard previously used a fixed scale that was only really useful if the user is experiencing large pollution events; the upper bounds were hard coded to show the fair and poor thresholds even if the air quality was good. We’ve updated it to use a relative scale to make it easier to see trends over the last hour.

  • General bug fixes to the Central Air Monitor installation flow for HAVEN Pro users.



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